The mayor of Cuiabá, Emanuel Pinheiro, participated this Friday (23) in an operational alignment meeting of the actions of the “Verde Novo 300” project, implemented in the Capital through a partnership between the municipal Executive, the Court of Justice of Mato Grosso (TJ-MT), represented by the Volante Ambiental Court (Juvam), and the Instituto Ação Verde. The meeting was an important step towards defining action strategies and the role of each of the institutions within the execution of the activities proposed by the project.

Conceived by the Judiciary, the “Verde Novo 300” has a Technical Cooperation Term signed, in December 2017, between the three entities, with the objective of enhancing afforestation practices, returning to the capital of Mato Grosso the historic title of “Green City”. To this end, the Municipality, TJ-MT, and Ação Verde chose to unite their efforts around a common goal: the planting of 300,000 trees in commemoration of Cuiabá's 300th anniversary.
“It is an action that was born destined for success and to touch the soul of the Cuiaban population about the importance of care for our environment. This is the basis of all the work that the three institutions have been carrying out over the years. Now, we feel the need to organize the actions of each of those involved, to show that we are fully involved in this partnership. With that, I am fully convinced that we will be able to attract new partners so that this program is a milestone for our Capital”, explained Emanuel Pinheiro.
As agreed at the meeting, the coordination of the project remains under the tutelage of the Juizado Volante Ambiental, represented by the titular judge Rodrigo Curvo, with the executive support of the Instituto Ação Verde, an organization with vast experience in actions of this nature. The City Hall, in turn, will also play an essential role of collaboration through the continuous action of the municipal secretariats for the Environment and Urban Development, Urban Services, and the Extraordinary Secretariat for the 300 years.
“It was a fundamental step for us to have clarity about the role played by each of the representatives of Juvam, City Hall, and Ação Verde, within our daring goal. The meeting was very fruitful, as we managed to have this definition and we are already unfolding the actions, aiming to contemplate public spaces and also deprived with the planting. This alignment allows for greater engagement between the partners, facilitating the achievement of the adequate afforestation index for our city”, commented Judge Rodrigo Curvo.
The superintendent of Instituto Ação Verde, Vicente Falcão, highlighted that starting next Monday (26) other meetings, with a more focus on execution, will be held periodically, thus listing the missions and tasks that will be in charge of each one. of those involved. He also pointed out that issues related to environmental preservation within any municipality cannot be seen as a responsibility only of the public power.
“All civil society must have an active and integrated participation in proposals of this type, after all, afforestation is also a public health issue. Today, to give you an idea, we already have 24 thousand seedlings planted due to the actions that are in progress. Both the Instituto Ação Verde, the City Hall and Juvam are already working in this direction. Now we are condensing this into a single project to maximize the efforts and resources employed”, concluded the superintendent.
Also present at the meeting were the municipal secretaries for the Environment and Urban Development, Juares Samaniego, for Urban Services, José Roberto Stopa, in addition to the director-president of the Instituto Ação Verde, Lidio Moreira dos Santos.