
we carry out many actions in favor of the green of the forests, the blue of the rivers and the different colors of the animals

CAR map

The MAPADOCAR system is an initiative to improve the quality of maps of rural properties for the Rural Environmental Registry, with the objective of increasing the level of approval of these maps in the SIMCAR system of the Mato Grosso State Environment Department.

Green River Project

The Verde Rio Project aims to recover and preserve 100% of the riparian forests of the main rivers of Mato Grosso, bringing benefits not only to the local ecosystems, but also to the population of the State.


Business Platform for Environmental and Ecosystem Goods and Services in Mato Grosso deals with the topic of Carbon, implementing a GHG program within the scope of the Instituto Ação Verde, to meet demands in the State, Brazil and any other interested country.

Green Education

It proposes to help social groups and individuals to acquire environmental awareness, knowledge and behavior, as well as to contribute to the consolidation of the environmental education process as a public policy through collective actions organized in educational institutions.

Technology + sustainable production + preservation

CAR map

The objective of the Instituto Ação Verde is to make available free of charge to professionals who prepare the CAR, a system working in the cloud on the internet, which will have specific tools and rules in its interface, which will facilitate, speed up and mainly guide the construction of the CAR. The main purpose of the system is to avoid errors in CAR construction as much as possible and guarantee a high number of approvals in the analysis of the works.

The system offers access to an extensive geographic database and images from several satellites, to be used as a background and made available in superimposed layers, coming from different sources and forms: Satellites, World and Federal Bases, Topographic Charts and RADAMBRASIL Vegetation, Bases State, Geographical Base 1:25,000 of the FBDS, Map of Biomes, Administrative and Road Political Map, among others.

Works 100% web

Advanced drawing tools

Various bases and reference images

Compatible with SIMCAR system

Access the MAPADOCAR system: 

preservation + awareness + action

Green River Project

The Verde Rio Project aims to recover and preserve 100% of the riparian forests of the main rivers of Mato Grosso, bringing benefits not only to the local ecosystems, but also to the population of the State. Within this demand, the Verde Rio project was divided into: Pantanal, Amazon and Cerrado, in order to respect each of the 3 biomes of Mato Grosso and meet their specificities.

Some actions carried out over the years of the Verde Rio Project:

Access the interactive map of Projeto Verde Rio: 

carbon market + greenhouse gases + future


The Business Platform for Environmental and Ecosystem Goods and Services in Mato Grosso (PNBSAE/MT) was created with the aim of promoting the Green Economy in Mato Grosso and is initially responsible for implementing the State's voluntary GHG Program. It works as a meeting place for all those interested in combating climate change, and they provide certification seals to participants, as a way of publicizing the actions they take in this regard.

UNIMED, in 2011, was one of 19 companies to receive the “Live Forest – Neutral Carbon” seal, in recognition of the positive results of neutralizing greenhouse gas emissions.

Assinatura do inventário da Unimed (05/11/2010)
Signature of the Unimed inventory (11/05/2010)

The PNBSAE/MT was created in the Statute of the Instituto Ação Verde, aimed at promoting the Green Economy in the State of Mato Grosso. The platform will address the issue of Carbon, implementing a GHG program within the scope of the Instituto Ação Verde, to meet demands in the State, Brazil and any other interested country. The GHG program does not establish ceilings or impose mandatory charges on companies, being voluntary and exercised in order to promote Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility of companies, organizations and institutions that join the PNBSAE/MT.

It started operating on May 24, 2012, starting its operations presenting an offer of PINs totaling more than 5 million tCO2eq from projects in 7 Brazilian states (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Bahia and Minas Gerais ). Around 500 thousand tCO2eq already sold and certified, and something like 2 million tCO2eq under negotiation. On May 22, 2012, the work on the Cartesian wells of the first two communities to receive resources from carbon credits from the reduction of emissions and the increase in forest carbon sequestration and stock was delivered.

The Platform was presented at Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, with support from the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) and the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Mato Grosso (Famato).

Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

The Verde Rio project had its carbon credits calculated, and in 2011, Instituto Ação Verde had already started its carbon credit bank, which would become the PNBSAE. See the report that came out in the media at the time:

The PNBSAE/MT was adopted by means of an amendment to the Statute, by the Instituto Ação Verde, as an instrument for promoting the Green Economy in the State of Mato Grosso. PNBSAE/MT operates and manages a GHG Program in the State of Mato Grosso, collecting a maximum of up to 25% from the value of transactions carried out and passing on a minimum of 75% to the project activity developers.

The PNBSAE/MT works based on the recognition of the need to implement Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility actions that follow methodologies for the development of project activities that are Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable. These methodologies are registered in the PNBSAE/MT, which publicizes those that can be used to develop GHG project activities within the transfer mechanism. The Figure demonstrates how the mechanism works:

Operating flow of the PNBSAE platform

Buyers are represented by all sectors of the economy, including industry, construction, commerce, transport, energy, waste, agriculture, livestock and forests, including timber. These actors seek to integrate the PNBSAE/MT through the preparation of a GHG inventory, which is prepared by consultants registered with the PNBSAE/MT. The inventories prepared by the consultants are sent for audit by third parties, also registered in the PNBSAE/MT. These audited inventories are then sent to an independent registry, and appear in the PNBSAE/MT, publicizing their data. The inventories are then transferred to the PNBSAE/MT advertising system, and generate a Debit account, which is registered by a third party.

On the sellers side, the process involves the preparation of a Project Idea Note – NIP (PIN), and sending it along with supporting documentation for a preliminary audit. After the preliminary audit, the PIN is registered with a third party, which affixes a code to the PIN and returns it to PNBSAE/MT to publicize the data. The next step is the preparation of the final project, which involves the implementation of the Baseline and Monitoring methodology registered in the PNBSAE/MT and submission for final audit. After the audit, the project goes to third-party registration, and then returns to PNBSAE/MT. The publicity of the carbon credits of the project thus constructed generates a Credit account, which is registered by a third party.

After these procedures, the Debit and Credit accounts can carry out transactions with each other, seeking to neutralize carbon. The accounts thus crossed send a request for the issuance of a seal to the PNBSAE/MT. There are two main types of seals: CO2 Biome Cultivator Seal – Living Ecosystem, for sellers of carbon credits and; CO2 Responsible Company Seal: Living Ecosystem, for buyers of carbon credits.

PNBSAE/MT is responsible for monitoring the functioning of the mechanism, ensuring buyers that carbon credits are being maintained in accordance with the provisions of the PIN and carbon projects. The PNBSAE/MT must also guarantee possible losses due to negligence, accidents, atmospheric phenomena and others that may compromise the carbon stored or sequestered by the registered project activities. Damping quotas to guarantee this flow must be included in the specific regulation on the management of the PNBSAE, to be prepared within a period of up to 01 (one) year after the approval of this regulation.

FNBSAE/MT collects a fee of 0.5% from the commercialization of credits, for system maintenance, training of human resources and Research & Development, as well as for investments in projects and initiatives aimed at advancing the Green Economy in the State of Mato Grosso .

Access the Business Platform in Environmental and Ecosystem Goods and Services of Mato Grosso

awareness – new generations – responsibility

Green Education

In order for environmental education actions to be effective, it is necessary that the interventions be carried out not only in the areas that are the object of forest restoration policies for the conservation of water resources. It is extremely important that the pedagogical process also involves large urban centers as these agglomerates are major polluting and degrading agents of natural resources.

Foto do lançamento do projeto Educação Verde
Launch of the Green Education Project (10/22/2015)


Based on this, the present project, called Educação Verde, proposes to help social groups and individuals to acquire environmental awareness, knowledge and behavior, as well as to contribute to the consolidation of the environmental education process as a public policy through collective actions. organized in educational institutions.

Project's goal

Help social groups and students aged 4 to 12 to acquire environmental awareness, knowledge and behavior, as well as contribute to the consolidation of the environmental education process as a public policy through collective and organized actions in educational institutions. The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Sensitization of students and the population in the involvement in participatory processes of environmental education;
  • Foster agents capable of planning and executing socio-environmental actions in their work, study and/or home environment;
  • Make the actors involved aware of their role as a transforming subject;
  • Foster the acquisition of multiple experiences in relation to environmental problems;
  • Provide opportunities to acquire knowledge for the appreciation and respect for the environment;
  • Foster multiplying agents of the knowledge socialized by the program for the dissemination of information, awareness and social mobilization;
  • Contribute to the autonomy of school units through practices aimed at environmental, economic and social sustainability.
  • Planning of environmental education activities with representatives of school communities;
  • Execution of theoretical and practical activities of a pedagogical nature, together with the school community, covering the following topics:
    • Production of seedlings of forest species;
    • Recovery of degraded areas;
    • Tree planting in schools;
    • Implementation and management of school gardens;
    • Installation and management of composters.
Expected results

The great expected result is the change in the awareness of the interface with nature and the execution of projects that allow the maintenance of the activities developed in the municipalities, but with sustainability and respect for the environment. In addition to these, we can highlight:

  • Production and editing of educational material;
  • Maintenance of activities developed in institutions, enabling the execution of projects;
  • Sensitization of students regarding the benefits of urban afforestation, preservation of water resources and organic crops;
  • Alleviation of heat and microclimate control of schools through afforestation;
  • Implementation of small cropping systems (school gardens) to complement school meals;
  • Training multiplier agents of the knowledge socialized by the program for the dissemination of information, awareness and social mobilization.
Target Audience

Students aged 4 to 12 from institutions, preferably public, lacking environmental education. The project, through its innovative methodology, will seek to reach the entire environment of coexistence of these children from their childhood to adulthood. So, in addition to educational institutions, student residences will also benefit through the multiplication of techniques developed in the school environment.